Keto Kits and Meal Ideas
How Many Eggs Per Day With Keto

How Many Eggs Per Day Can Someone Eat on Keto Diet? Use This Formula

Eggs are a staple food on the keto diet, providing us with a great source of good fat and protein.

But, ask someone how many eggs you can eat per day and the numbers are all over the board! One person in the community said he regularly eats over 30 eggs per day!

That’s like over $10 a day if you’re sticking to pasture raised. Ouch!

I think it’s important to remember that we are all individuals with different starting points, different goals and various budgets. So I’ll try to put the egg per day in perspective by providing a DIY calculation.

Bear with me, and I think you’ll get where I’m coming from..

How Many Eggs Per Day Should be Eaten on Keto Diet?

To calculate number of eggs per day on keto, try this formula: Multiple your daily calorie intake x .20 and then divide that by 4 (protein has 4 calories per gram). Finally, divide that by 7.5 (average protein per egg). The result is an estimate of how many eggs you can eat on Keto per day.

Keto Egg Per Day Formula Calculation

Here is an example:

  • I eat 1800 calories per day
  • 1800 x .20 = 360
  • 360/4 = 90
  • 90/7.5 = 12

Why this formula works

This formula works because Keto followers are supposed to get 75% of our calories from fat, 20% from protein, and 5% from carbs.

So if you’re eating 1800 calories per day, 360 calories should be coming from protein. If you’re only eating eggs, that’s about 12 eggs per day.

That does not mean I eat 12 eggs per day. But I suppose I could if that was my only option.

How Many Eggs Do I Eat Per Day?

I have not participated in the Keto Egg Fast where you MUST eat at least 6 eggs per day. I have eaten 6 eggs per day, but not because I was on the egg fast. Typically, I eat 4, maybe 5 eggs a day and I’m about 140-145lbs – looking to maintain or lose slowly.

If I lose 3-5 pounds, that would be fine, but not more. If you are heavier you can probably eat so much more. Just remember, add the good olive oil or butter for the right fat balance. (I stick to butters from Ireland or France).

The only way I can eat more eggs per day is if I start with one of my favorites, eggs benedict. Be sure to check out my warning about Eggs Benedict in the last section,

The Danger of Eating 30 Eggs Per Day on Keto

Maybe you’re like an uber-fit weight lifter, I could see how 30 eggs might be possible. But if I ate 30 eggs on keto per day, I know I’d be ill. On top of that, I’d put on weight for sure!

That’s why it’s important to remember that you are an individual person in the Keto journey. Use the formula as a starting point, and remember to keep your GP in the loop with your diet intake.

I know this can be hard if they don’t buy in, but get their advice anyway.

Be Careful with Eggs Benedict on Keto

I’ve always considered Eggs Benedict a pretty safe bet for Keto. Especially once you find the right type of low-carb muffin.

However, ordering Eggs Benedict at a restaurant or diner could be a mistake. I recently found out that a favorite local diner would sometimes use flour to thicken the hollondaise.

Ever since then, I always ask the server if the sauce is gluten free or made with flour. Every once in a while, they come back from the kitchen and say YES!

So…be careful with ordering this out. When in doubt, read about my good keto option at Starbucks.

In Conclusion

If not for eggs, I don’t know that I could realistically stay on the Keto path. They are my go-to breakfast, lunch, and make an easy, portable snack.

I eat eggs every single day of my life, usually with high fat avocado, my favorite low Carb Rye, or fried up in coconut oil.

But I can see a trend that seems somewhat concerning and that’s people eating cartons of eggs just because someone else is.

Hopefully, you can begin with a formula and get a baseline for maximum eggs you can eat. Pair this info up with your GP’s advice and adjust according to your own results.

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